Monday, 30 September 2013

a big black hand  drawn circle a cross with  fist on the end with a symbol of rebeling the circle is to show unity and the fist pump shows strength and the colour is red and is a strong colour and symbols anger and also so dose black because it is a dark colour.
the school of unity is ware all of the studants stick to gether to rebel againts rules of the school and will not ware uniform becuase they think they are better then the school and will always try and do anything to rebel againts any other schools in anything.
 the skills i learnt were magic wand it is ware you rub all the stuff around i also used eraser to get rid off bits i did not want on my logo i also used gradient to get the back ground.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOGO: C3 - Your logo shows a a sound level of creativity, and I can see where you were going with the design. The skill level applied is only just sound.
    T: Aim to develop your PS skills using tutorials and time in department

    EVAL: D1 - Your evaluation is only at a basic level and there needs to be detail in your connotation example. Make sure that you use capital letters, please go back and change this in this post.
    T: Make sure that you explain your points with more detail using examples.
